Helpful Resources


The Vicus has alot of information available to help it's members.  

Articles on kit and equipment and manufacture
Our extensive number of articles on everything from making a shield to dying your tunic. 

Iron age Clothing and equipment guide now ONLINE

We review reading material available and give our opinion. Some of the articles list books as sources and here you will find the ISBN numbers and publishers, so that you can start your own 

I am constantly asked where get our gear from so here are the answers. 

Including a membership form download and the current membership fees.
Membership information 

With the plethora of kit and equipment available to buy then we give our honest opinion on items that we have bought.
Kit and equipment reviews 

 The Vicus © 2004

All information on this website has been written by members of the group unless other source has been stated. All photographs have been taken by members of the group and belong to The Vicus. Any images not taken by the group have been credited.